Factory Colors Now Available
BT family we are super excited to announce the return of factory color matched bling.
After many starts, and stops during most of 2020, we are excited to have partnered with an amazing team, local to us. Our new partner is producing jaw dropping, beautiful work on the color matched parts that we are finishing up from the holiday orders.
Factory Color Match Galleries
Quick History
Billet Technology has offered some factor color options since late 2018. If you have followed along on our MFG Updates you know 2020 was a trying year for many businesses. We experienced the most pain, and delays when it came to the factory color matched pieces.
Delivery times, and quality were becoming a huge concern right before Christmas this past year (2020). In good conscious we could no longer continue to offer the limited factory color finish options. We had no choice, but to remove the finishes from the store, and begin looking for other solutions.
Factory Colors Are Back
We are so pleased to report that those quality, and delivery issues will be a thing of the past. We are so confident moving forward, that we have returned several finishes to the line up of options. The following finishes are now available to order:
- Redline Red Pearl
- B5 Blue
- TorRed
- Destroyer Grey
- F8 Green
- Jazz Blue
- Octane Red
- Frostbite Blue
- Smoke Show
- Sublime Green
Trust and Transparency
Communication is the most important aspect in building trust between a company and its customers. Delivering a WOW product allows everything else to fall right in to place.
Having a job done right gives us the peace of mind that we are sending you, our amazing BT family, a product that is superior to anything in the marketplace, from machine work to finishes.
Paint, Not Powder Coat
Yes, we have moved to paint, and away from powder coat on the color matched options.
The finish is butter. We prep each batch prior to paint with clear iridite, which produces a protective chromate conversion coating on the 6061 T6 aluminum. This base allows the paint to adhere with no peeling.
This allows us to engrave either using our CNC method, or if a client prefers they may laser mark their parts once received (This process is not an option with BT).
Because the parts are iridte coated, they will not pull up the clear coat or paint, nor will there be chattering and chipping in the paint. Make sure that if you are laser marking our parts you have someone that knows what they are doing, and how to engrave on painted finishes, as you can burn and scar the paint.
The founders of our company have extensive knowledge with paint, and chromate conversion coating from years of experience in the aerospace industry. An industry we still produce parts for to this day, both at a production, and prototype development level.
As we mentioned when looking to right the ship on the color match it was IMPERATIVE we do this right. We made an investment into the process, including the investment into quality individuals who value a hard work ethic, and quality finishes.
Outstanding Factory Color Orders
We are currently in the homestretch of filling outstanding orders with factory color matched parts. We will start sending batches out for any new orders beginning in mid March.
Lead Times Moving Forward
Expect a 4-6 week delivery time frame after you place your order here with us. We will send two colors at a time to be finished, and you will be able to follow along with the process through our Manufacturing Updates.
You also are linked to that particular page on the invoice copy you receive from us via email after you place your order.
Once we send your orders to the respective finishes we can realistically expect to see a 7-14 day turn around time.
Additional Color Options
We know many of you have asked for other factor colors to be added. We will be adding more over the next several weeks, and will announce them in our Manufacturing Updates.
We will also annouce new color options via our social media pages (Facebook | Instagram).
At any time you can may call (561.582.6171) or email us to request a color, and we will add it on a “will call list”.
Some factory colors will be offered via a limited run, or for a limited time only, with a window open to order a specific color request.
Some colors will be a one and done type offerings, based on limited demand from our customer base. As we move further into color matched options, we will of course, make an announcement via our Manufacturing Updates and social media pages.
Thank You
Our team absolutely appreciates all the trust you place in our team. We promise you these finishes are going to blow you away, and the wait will be well worth it.
If you have any questions please call us or email those questions directly to Nick Billet (nick@billettechnology.net or phone: 561.582.6171).

2611 Mercer Avenue, Suite 3, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33401
Email: support@billettechnology.net
Toll Free Phone (US Only): 1.866.747.1684
Phone: 561.582.6171

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