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Lone Star Mopar Fest

Buy Only Official Billet Tech Brand Products!

At Billet Technology we are extremely proud to bring you original products where a lot of thought and R&D goes into each and every design we create.  Our team consists of talented artists, engineers and machinist who take great care in producing a top quality product each and every time with service to match!

On the other end of the stick you have companies out there that are just a parts warehouse. They will tell you they have original ideas, and multiple machine shops but the fact is that its all just smoke and mirrors. These types of companies are notorious for using their employee’s wives, or anyone they can “con” into buying a competitors part so that they can turn around and “knock it off.”  When you deal with these types of companies you will never know where the products are being made, you never know if certified materials are being used and worse yet, that “life time” warranty usually has a catch.  These types of companies “prey” on the unsuspecting consumer with their unscrupulous business practices.  They have no shame.

At Billet Technology we manufacture our own products, use only domestic certified materials, and have a rigorous quality control system in place.  Our team is dedicated to bringing you the best products for your Dodge or Chrysler car or truck.  Its what we drive and we know your car or truck inside and out.  We give you support and service before, during and after the sale.  We don’t have to use smoke and mirror’s sales pitches, because we back up our pledge of unmatched quality and service each and every day.  You can actually visit our shop, watch your products being made and we can show you  a true comparison between a warehouse with no climate control and a true manufacturing facility.

You may have to wait a tad bit longer to get your parts from us versus  those “warehouse” websites, but know when you shop at BT you are getting a true original custom part, made your way just for you.  Its what seals our bond with you each and every time.  You are more than just an order number here, we care about what we are doing for you and we are very much dedicated to earning your trust each and every day.

Buy only official Billet Technology Brand parts.

The bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the cheap price is forgotten!