Hurricane Dorian Update
Happy Sunday.
Hurricane Dorian
This is a quick update on the state of the BT HQ and our team in South Florida. It is looking like the storm is going to have a heavy impact on our area no matter which model is correct. As such, unless a miracle happens, we will not be back into the shop on Tuesday, September 3rd. The team is safe, and the shop is locked down, and in bunker mode.
We will continue to update you all as needed. We have a great team here, and our partners Rob and John (who are located in Houston and Charlotte respectively) have access to our social media platforms and also have the ability to keep the site updated live, in real time for you guys and gals.
The Shop’s Power is Our Main Concern
Hopefully any down time will be minimal, and at best no down time at all. The major factor for us will be electricity. Our building is built like a bomb shelter, and can withstand sustained winds around 160-180 MPH as our facility is solid concrete, and steal beams no tin roof. Our bay doors are rated to 180 MPH. When we can resume work safely we will. We simply ask you all for some understanding, and patience over the coming days.
20% Off Until Monday at Midnight
The Sale is still on! Now through Monday, September 2nd ending at midnight eastern standard time please feel free to use coupon code BT0902 when checking out to receive 20% off your order.
This offer cannot be combined with any other club codes or discounts. This discount excludes custom artwork (you can get the part at the discount, however any custom artwork will be up-charged), and also excludes valve covers, the trailer hitch group buy and the 300 Wing Group buy.
If you are interested in a custom image on your parts please email Nick at nick@billettechnology.net after you placed your order. Please provide your order number, and he will help you complete your order.
Want Nick to handle all the order details for you?
Again just email him within the time frame of the sale and he will assist you as soon as possible.
If you want to place your order over the phone and take advantage of the discount? Simply call (561.582.6171) or email us. All voicemails and emails are date and time stamped. A team member will call you back to help you complete your order as soon as we can.
Please understand there may be a delay in call backs and emails being answered due to the hurricane headed our way.
Ordering During the Storm/Sale
Nothing will change from the stand point of how orders come in. The server is not in state and you will see no disruptions there.
Credit Card Payments
All orders placed via credit card will be AUTHORIZED only. The 30% deposit will be taken to begin work as soon as we resume operations. We will email you a reminder that we are doing so, just as we have done for years.
PayPal Payments
All orders paid via Paypal are instant payments. As we say right in the payment terms link on the website, and on your invoice copy you receive after you place your order (in the Help / Faq Section) if you are not comfortable with that please contact us and will work with you. Help us help you by just reaching out and communicating with our team.
As soon as we are able to reopen shipments will resume. Even if there is no power we will be able to ship satin catch cans, and prepare paperwork as we do have a generator that can power electronics and simple tools. Any parts we have in stock will ship also. Once more we simply ask for your patience in the coming days as developments unfold.
That’s All. Be Safe.
That’s all we have for you right now. We will continue to update you all when we have more information. Please enjoy your holiday weekend, and be safe.

2611 Mercer Avenue, Suite 3, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33401
Email: support@billettechnology.net
Toll Free Phone (US Only): 1.866.747.1684
Phone: 561.582.6171

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